Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter in New England

How do you get through those long days of winter? Through food of course. Remember what my Mama told me, " We are not judge by the number on the scale. It does not define who we are or what we think. It is just a number." Was she right or what?
But we do define ourselves by what size we wear, how much we weigh and how often we work out. To me, that is so much pressure to put on ourselves, not that I don't think about it everyday!
But shouldn't food be one of the greatest joys in life? Think of all it does for the body! I have a friend who says,"I am going to eat that brownie," what if I got hit by a bus tomorrow?" So true and spoken like a real foodie!
So, cook. Cook for yourself, your children, your husband; cook for friends and family. Celebrate food as a gift from God. How fortunate we are to have a full belly when we want one.And I will tell you a little secret, when your children are older and they think back to their childhood, it won't be what size Mama was, it will be thoughts about all the delicious food you prepared for them. It is love!

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